Tuesday, February 26, 2008

T-minus ...

Two weeks. It's been kind of up in the air, but now it's settled: I'm flying out of Orlando for Atlanta the afternoon of the 12th, then taking the train as far as it'll take me, then getting a shuttle to a hostel. I'll be hitting the approach trail on the morning of March 13th. I should be at the top of Springer and starting the AT on 3/14.

Which means I now officially have less than 2 weeks to go.


Anonymous said...

jeez, no one's commented yet?
silly people.
Just wanted to let you know that I will be following this for as long as it goes. Ya know, to increase that feeling of potential embarresment that comes with possible failure.
Also I plan on hiking either the MA or NH bits of the AT after graduation, so I may or may not shamelessly pick your brain.
Also-also, I found your blog from the thread on the SDMB, just in case you like to keep track of that sor of thing.

Anonymous said...

Nice site.

ENJOY the adventure.

Sue/Hammock Hanger

Eric Markley said...

Awww... I'm getting popular. Thanks guys.