Sunday, February 3, 2008

Warm-up day 4: return

Really not much to say about this day. Woke up early, and decided to get a start on the day: real food awaiting before the day was out! Weather continued good, with temps in the high 50s, and mostly sunny; perfect hiking weather. Spent the morning walking on one of the Forest Service roads that I'd originally been planning on driving on. Nice to not have to worry about roots and loose rocks for a change.

Got back to the car in the afternoon, and headed for the nearest place with food and clean bathroom. It 's always kind of odd getting back to civilization after a few days away. Within an hour off the trail, I'm going 70 miles per hour as opposed to 7 miles per day. I make in to Durham by about 9 pm, catching the last quarter of the Super Bowl on TV.

Not a bad trip.

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